Forum Archive Index - May 2003
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[sharechat] WHS Chart
Here is an updated WHS chart for you. My guess is that you are interested
in any imminent buy signals. There aren't any - here's why :-Most of the charts
I post focus on the medium-term trend. This means that they are inherently
fairly conservative and thus a bit slow to respond to sudden short-term
movements, always giving "late" buy/sell signals. Extreme price movements such
as we have seen recently with WHS leave slow, consevative indicators far
behind, making them irrelevant for a time. Anyone looking for a technically
based Buy signal at around this time would need to move to faster indicators,
such as the Stochastic oscillator.
You ask if this large drop was forseeable, technically. No it wasn't,
but WHS had been technically weak for many months prior to the big drop(s). I
sold at the trendline break. Anyone using any TA at all would have been out of
this stock well before the meltdown. This includes very conservative long-term
investors - these people commonly use a 200 day ema to keep them on the right
side of major trends.
You state that "One of the most Important things is to know when the writing
is about to go on the wall." Delete the words "about to go" and I will agree
with you 100%. While WHS was looking weak, and had given 4 separate Sell
signals, the writing was not on the wall until prices dropped below the July 02
- January 03 trading range support level. The second nail in the coffin was
when prices plunged below the $5.25 support level. Both of these events
happened very quickly - too fast for most people to act on, but in both cases,
these precipitous drops were preceded by very clear technical weakness.
I'm sure everyone knows that I don't do predictions, but just to show what a
flexible chap I am, here is one. I predict that Snoopy's entry point will prove
to be lower than the price at which WHS recrosses the 120 day ema (Medium-term
moving average)
The 2 magenta lines at the bottom of the chart mark the next two historical
support levels. I would be surprised if they are breached, but what do I know?
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