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[sharechat] Answer to the question its suprising!

From: "nick" <>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 11:10:01 +1200

 Here are the companies i found on the NZSE which qualify on growth
                    1995   1996   1997    1998   1998      f/c2000 
Baycorp         6.4      9.1      11.7    14.5   17.5           21             
DB                4         7.5       10        24      11.5       21        
Force            1.75     3.25     3.5       4.75   5.0           5.8       
GPG              2.25    3.00     3,5       2.5     3.75      14.2
KIP                5.5      7         9         10.5    9.75          8.5
Lytleton port   2        6          12        12.5     13         14.3
Montana        6        9          9.75       9.5      11.5      14.6
M.Hill            11.5    13        13.5      18.5      22.7      26.1  
Mainfreight     5.25     7.5      10         10.5     9.5        12.8
Nat Gas        11.2      12.5    13.25     13.25   15.25   10.4
Nufarm          28        30.5     32.5       51.5    44         39.6
port tauranga 10.5      11.75  16           15.25   23.5    25
St lukes         7.5       8         8.5          9.5      12.5   11.3
Trustpower      5.3      8.5      11.5        13.5     13.7    12
Warehouse    13.5     11        24          28        40       34
sky city                    15        36         2.5        47        57
 When we take into account f/y 2000 (some already had results too
lazy to check if above or below forcast) there are very few companies
which have increased earnings per share every year and the results
are rather suprising, the companies are
                      APX PEG
 Baycorp                1.1
Force                     .5
Lytleton                   1
Michael hill             .6
      I suggest that provided you are happy with management, level
of competition, future prospects etc then Force and michael hill jeweller
look to be the standouts.    Force in particular has taken a battering on
the markets since it turned down ihug. Last year it was happily trading
at 60-70 cents a share and is now down to 45.
      The yield is fantastic and the share has for a long time been liked by brokers
j.b.were.  Clearly undervalued.
       The lord of the rings and the sequels are going to put many bums on
seats, probably more than the film titanic, it only takes a couple
of big blockbusters to have a big effect on the bottom line.
         Of the others on the list Montana still looks very good as do the warehouse
and sky city.  Baycorp is good but already fully priced and could soon be facing
much more competition. 
       The property stocks, kip and st lukes could now be undervalued as
is investment company gpg.
            All the companies on the list have shown that they are capable of
increasing returns to shareholders over a five year period, they
have done what many of the new compoanies are promising but few will
probably achieve.
        Disclosure i just bought Force shares,
 montana for 2.30


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