David Ling seemed to think the activities of the chairman in
insider dealing had put off many of these
institutional investors,
however it appears nufarm was in no way connected
with these goings on.
Also when the company was in NZ
the managment were always
winning awards for being the best, the managment
has always been one
of the strengths of the company.
The nature of the
buisness would mean they will never be included
in ethical funds etc, most chemical
companies trade at a discount to their true worth,
not to the extent that nufarm does at
present though
In the post about Nufarm maybe
I should have said '...analysts and institutional investors.....' because for
Nick, myself and other investors in Nufarm they need this 'analyst and
institutional support' for the Nufarm price to head north. However because of
many non-financial aspects of Nufarm I don't think this will happen -
David Ling clearly spelt out why that happen.