Forum Archive Index - March 2004
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[sharechat] Fw:The Martha Stewart Tragedy
FYI - a contrarian (and Libertarian) viewpoint.
----- Original Message -----
From: "R. Christian Ross"
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 8:12 AM
Subject: Harry Browne on the Martha Stewart Tragedy
> Excellent commentary from former presidential candidate Harry Browne
> on the troubling travesty of the Martha Stewart "case".
> _______________________________________________
> <The Martha Stewart guilty verdict is more than troubling. It is an
> The very case itself typifies today's government - an entity that is free
> intrude in any area of your life, free to make up the rules as it goes
> along, free to allow prosecutors to make names for themselves in
> high-profile cases without facing any personal consequences, no matter
> harm they do.
> Let me make it clear that I don't know Martha Stewart, I've never seen
> TV show, and I've never read any of her books or magazines. I don't know
> what kind of person she is, and I don't care. But I care deeply about the
> kind of country America has turned into - one in which there is no firm
> of law and anyone can be prosecuted at any time for any kind of offense
> the government wants to invent.>
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