you will have your hands full for a while.
Obviously you have staff handling skills from the restraunts,which you
will need. My feeling is cleaning is a skilled but poorly paid job, an
unskilled cleaner can put the wrong cleaning product on a fiberclass
surface [modern shower] and ruin it, or spill a bucket of window cleaning
liquid on a carpet and you are up for a carpet cleaning bill.
Women are generally better for domestic
cleaning and men for industrial, vet your employees, a cleaner who steals
or takes liberties like for example haveing a swim in a home owners
pool can cause the loss of a good contract and give you all a
bad name.
It is something I would do "full on for 2
years" and then get out of.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 10:42
Subject: [sharechat] Cleaning
Just a side bar here. I am in the process of purchasing
a cleaning company. It is cheap to buy, low overheads,very profitable a
great cashflow business. I am going to have to work it for a couple of
months until Ican increase my cliental.
I am a Chef by trade and have owned many restaurants,
however a cleaning business is new to me. I have even taken a partime job
with another cleaning company to gain experience. Question to any chat
member that has expertise in this area. How can I increase my cliental and
any tricks of the trade would be appreciated. I plan to build it up a
larger company then put in a manager.