Hi snoopy. It seems you still don't understand my method, so I will explain all over again. The PE on my AIA shares had fallen to below 18 which Is very low for a company whose PE Is riding at 27 In the middle of an uptrend. As I explained before If I buy today and the share price doubles over time, that makes my PE half what I read It Is In the paper. When a share trends up don't knock It, buy some more, stick with a winner until the run Is over. Its only a phone call to get out. I never fall In love with a company as you well know. If I cant see 20pc plus dividends pa then I am out of there fast. You mentioned the fact that I will or should I say have paid over one third more to buy more. My answer to that Is of coarse I know that . The first block of land I bought to build a house on cost me $7000. I cant buy one under $150000 today so what?. It Is what It Is worth tomorrow that counts. we cant live yesterday again. Remember snoopy It was me that said POA PWC AIA and HQP were what to get Into all have made me over 30pc Plus the fact that It was me that was first to say about Tranzrail a few days before the share price doubled. I have slowly realized that my best talent Is picking a trend. I seem to be able to spot them before the market reacts. Of coarse we have our mistakes, but by buying In stages, and running a strict stop loss my mistakes cost me very little. {only two stop losses In 18 months}. I buy In stages but when I sell Its the lot. I am not Interested In having a share simply because the divided Is better than normal The only share In my lot that Is not performing Is POT . The reason I still hold Is I expect when the wheel turns, and that wall of wood moves POT will sky rocket. You can find all sorts of reasons why AIA Is not worth It, but my view Is It will trend up all summer. If your system Is not performing as good change It sell your dogs and move on I devised my system from you lot don't knock It Improve on It Throw out your warren buffet books and start to think for yourself. cheers macdunk |