Good response woody you had me Interested In a previous post when you mentioned blackjack, and the methods of betting. Having run all sorts of gambling dens, and betting systems ta would be simplicity Its self. I never did gamble really, It had to be that the odds favored me. Why don't I gamble If I was so successful?. or perhaps more to the point why not sit on my butt and get fat and out do mum and dad Investors. The reason I don't do any of that Is, what a waste of a life to have a brain and be completely useless and throw It away on something like that. I found that money means nothing family and friends are the riches In our world. The ta fa debate everybody talking nobody listening with the few so called Intellectuals having the stage to show how smart they think they are. we all come from different countries backgrounds religions and education systems,we have spoiled brats, bigots, good people, Intellectuals, bad people, smart people, and the list goes on. I will make the prediction the debate will be a shambles. Good luck any how your posts are Interesting to me. best of luck macdunk |