On Wed, 2003-09-17 at 14:37, Duncan MacGregor wrote:
The question Is why Is the share price stagnating?. The answer Is never look a gift horse In the mouth, pot Is one of the very few companies with top people at the top. The uptrend Is almost due. I predict this will be a great buy and hold, even over a couple of years. what have they got going for them?, that Is the next question.
They were the top port In Australasia. They scored a million tons pa contract to supply coal through the port plus all the forestry business building up like a great tidal wave.
A well run company with great prospects, this Is one of the better prospects.
cheers macdunk
discl hold pot and buying more.
Well, I'm thinking the same myself actually - they're trading at less than what I paid before, and while I don't believe in averaging down per se, I share your logic.