Lazy haggis you are an extremist. I don't
agree at all most of the time haggis, but at least you are
interesting. I am inclined to think you are a pessimist, or did you
lose your bag of lollies at the cassino?. I am not having a go, I
would like to find out more. In JAN you told us on the forum gold
was the thing to buy, and gave out a list of recommended USA and
AUSTRALIAN companies to buy into. I was of the opinion it was
rubbish, and posted that at the time. I would like you to go over
all your recommended companies, and let us know how silly I was for not
rushing out and buying instead of doubling up my stake in POA.
IN other words Winners by how much, losers losers by how much, and a
percentage either way result. That is the trouble with predictions, you
should never make them if you are thin skinned. I feel sure you
are like me in one sense you can handle a bit of stick. My own extreme
view point is BUSH will send the yanks broke, and CHINA will be the next
big player to rise up and take the