I think in the immediate to short term You might be proved right LAZY
HAGGIS. However in the medium to longer term my opinion is you
will be proved wrong. SKY CITY can afford to make the odd
stupid decision, {they have done in the past and got over it}. The
big reason for that is, its a money making machine that will overcome most
problems. The smoking problem means nothing, only a blip on a big
wide screen. People cant smoke here cant smoke there so what, do you think
they will all stay home and puff out?. I hope the shares
drop further, I will buy in big if they do. The market is in a state
of flux at the moment and I have predicted a big rise to begin when the
first shot is fired. I would like to answer GOONER when he replied
to a post of mine, he disagreed with me about the threat of an oil
crisis. I think one is on the cards gooner, my reason is
this we are starting to fight at the petrol station I hope you are
right but I can see what might happen and if it does my money is
elsewhere. The market wont make sense until the panic goes its the
same in a bull market, my own opinion is its a great time to