Hi Robin
An interesting thought......is the NZSE falling because of possible future downturn in NZ economy.causing some damage??......or because the NZ$ is becoming "overcooked" and looking to go higher and not necessarily going to create too much damage to the already strong economy. causing a correction within international currency ( ..I have faith in the reserve bank) { note the no capitals in "r" and "b" ). Reserve Bank will be following their computer models I hope!!.
Why small ""r & "b" ????
Sept is the launch of NZ super fund.......nice to be able to launch it with a high NZ$
Hmmmmmmmm..............Smart investor may look to shift money at this time
I would assume that the Reserve Bank will not drp it's interest rates if times got tough until after Dec 2003..so ....NZ may be looking at a short sharp recession courtesy of MR Cullum super scheme
f the economy collapses ,maybe an increase in interest rates to keep the NZ$ high..
Any opinions???????
-------Original Message-------
Date: Wednesday, 26 February 2003 02:17:42
Subject: Re: [sharechat] GPG Chart Update
My thanks also due to Phaedrus and Snoopy for recent discussion and analysis.
Interesting comments Richard ... the exchange rate factor really adds some excitement to the investment equation doesn't it :O)
GPG, with assets both in and outwith NZ, is an interesting case, especially as Phaedrus's charts show no trend break in the UK price but quite a clear break in the NZ price. One wonders how much price movement in the past has reflected the weighting that investors in GPG have placed on the respective currency factors. The NZ$ has appreciated (over the whole period) against Sterling by about 20% since early 2002. There was a GPG price spike (albeit a small one) during the short period that the NZ$-Sterling rate was falling. However, what with FFS, and TWR of late, there have been more than enough factors to add to the GPG mix to make it somewhat perplexing.
(BTW, you seem to equate "Every NZer with NZ assets" with the "NZ rich", which I don't quite understand).
On Tuesday, Feb 25, 2003, at 12:50 Europe/London, Richard Hooper wrote:
> Thxs Snoopy /Phaedrus > GPG is one of my majoj stocks which is concerning me at the moment. > Long term investors like me still worry if stocks go > down..and..down..and down. > What I must remember and to think long and hard when the NZ$ turns is > ....that even through my portfolio is tending down into the negative > (-3%) last 3 months....internationally wise I am richer not poorer > .....so no panic......as long as the NZ$ remains as it is or up. > OK Most people seem to be uneasy about the NZ$ rise and it is a > factor to lessen to GNP rate ( growth rate) however look at it this > way ....Every NZer with NZ assets has increased his/her wealth by some > 20% internationally within the last few months by just living in NZ. > The NZ rich just got richer the NZ poor just got poorer..( don't tell > the Labour party that one