Thank god for your post Trevor. Please don't take it personally Steve, but
I was seething after reading your post, however, did not have time to respond -
but Trevor has pretty much put my view across.
For God's sake - get the govt. out of everything, especially business and
our personal lives. Definitely can the tax system (all of it).
Govt. grants to business !!! Absolute stupidity. Don't even give them the
You'll have noticed from my last few posts that I now mainly deal on ASX -
the reason is this government.
Cheers Mark :)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 18 July 2000 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: [sharechat] How to kickstart
our market
I think your first comment is the crux of the
matter. That, and a hell bent trend in this country to look the " Government"
to solve all our woes, be they social or economic.
Your last three "possible solutions" ask for some
degree of central Government handout. This is "Corporate Welfare" . Like
socially driven welfare it has an opposite effect to its intention. It
allows noddy-nobodies in government departments to pick winners. It encourages
dependency. It rewards deceit.
In NZ , we already have 1 in 3 people on
welfare payouts. I don't think we need add any more. I certainly don't
want any of my tax going to dubious R&D ventures that may or may not be
anything more than a scam, anymore than I want it going to dole
The way ahead lies in an open immigration policy;
low and flat tax rates, less Government intervention in business.
Governments are elected but necessarily for their
business acumen. The best they can do is provide a framework whereby Business
can sort itself out. There will be winners and there will be losers. But at
least the winners will not be propped up by tax payers money, and in that way
they will have a chance to succeed globally.