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All articles from 13 July 2001

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Montana shareholders told to hang fire

Progressive gets regulatory nod for Woolies

Rubicon buyback to start soon

NGC farewells South Island customers

Gold miners inch closer to some rich veins

Multinational eyes millions in Fletcher Energy staff fund

Public to Air New Zealand: Ditch Ansett

Rainfall needs to supply power needs all winter

Time to bury the boardroom knives

The week in review

Air NZ's flexible Queenstown flights scoop up 90% of traffic

Sky's hardworking assets reach new heights

Busy week for Property For Industry

Wakefield Hospital touts NZSE listing

Fisher & Paykel looks to twin futures as it readies for split

Shareholders size up interests of new resources giant BHP Billiton

Tracking the economy

Market merger could halt shrinkage trend

Canwest in talks over Maori channel

Telecom feels the global slowdown

In a nutshell