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All articles from 8 December 2000

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Special Report: Electricity - Worth A Flutter?

TEL mobile knocked by software glitch

Awards for Baycorp keep pouring in

Lion allowed to feast on Montana - but other diners are around

The Shoeshine Column: Plenty of iron in Affco's new cut

The E-Buzz

Paynter, Somers-Edgar behind latest Ballantyne 'rescue' deal

Top Performer Profiles

Top 40 New Zealand Companies

Top 100 Australian Companies

The Main Listings

What becomes of the revolution?

L.E.K. Consulting

What is 'Shareholder Rate Of Return'?

Shareholder value the only true measure of success

Market barometer: US markets sneeze - we catch a cold

The O'Brien Column: NCM boosts listings by 19 on NZSE

Technically Speaking: Law is no remedy when Kiwis choose to follow pied pipers

Of Bulls & Bears

Dinosaur meat industry puts on speed to adapt to new era

Appointments: Retailing chief plans to expand appliance stores

New $112 million investment bank

Strathmore going 'Kachingo' with Global Online

Greenstone looks at keeping going

New shareholders to get tiny slice of IndraNet

Stock Exchange campaigns to win over merger naysayers

Forget Australia and choose US

Red tape keeps getting in the way, brokers say

Tower ready to invade Australia