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All articles from 20 April 2000

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The Shoeshine Column: TV3: where have all the profits gone?


Eagle Boys proves tasty meal in Restaurant Brands' acquisition

Market barometer: Bloodbath in small companies index

Technically Speaking: Media blamed for company failures but markets not fooled

Hyped tech stock tremors are not the end of the world

Of Bulls & Bears

DDB buys rest of Van de Roer

DB Group tries to find partner for its Corbans Wines division

Advertisements are coming soon to auto teller machine near you

Dead cat does its ritual BOUNCE

Eforce goes ahead with subsidiary deals despite tremors

AMP forecasts 'savage' short-term outlook

Strategic set to move into wireless tangle

Analysts slated for poor knowledge of e-this and dot-that companies

Commission lets investors know New Capital Market is speculative territory

Young entrepreneur raises funds to wake Europe's 'sleeping giant'

Blame the bloke in the street, funds managers say

eVentures float pushes ahead in wake of share slump

Ihug risks landing in 'too hard' basket

Fasten your seatbelts for bumpy ride on technology rollercoaster

Clearview sees Asia-Pacific future after Zivo buyout

Government anti-business reforms bring gloom

Contact battles supply failure legal decision

Commission findings due on FCL trading probe

Business as usual for most as air escapes the e-bubble

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