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All articles from 17 August 2001

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Advantage takes goodwill thumping

Apple Fields set for Nevada paydirt?

ANZ puts branches up for sale

MessageMedia price disclosed

Australia still major NZ investor

Rural benefits flow through to STU

RMG takes first-half knocks

Fraud police probe bankrupt's $12 million health resort project

Government aid helps further the expansion of Synergy

Utilities come to grips with new rating basis

SEA Holdings plans Millbrook- style golf resort in Queenstown

Scott Technology spins off automation company

Regulating financial planners can be good for the investor

Hardliners fight on as Enza seeks settlement

Getting balance right between equity and debt

Healthy sign for Reid Farmers and a 'good' deficit for Genesis

Lies, damned lies and a new way to detect them

Long wait for exchange to develop capital market

Anderton's bank float costs challenged

Biotechs become all the rage as Otago unleashes its gene genies

Telecom's abnormal items give abnormally low profit


Frucor convinced UK tastebuds ready for V's afternoon fizz

How to buy your own $20m firm in just six weeks

Midas man raises $120m and sends most of it back

No shareholder vote needed on Telecom's $500 million 3G deal