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Infratil Limited (NZX: IFT) Update on Infratil Infrastructure Bond Offer

Tuesday 1st June 2021

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On 25 May 2021 Infratil Limited announced an offer of up to $50 million of unsecured, unsubordinated fixed rate Infrastructure Bonds which are to mature on 15 December 2027 (“Bonds”), with the option to accept up to a further $50 million of oversubscriptions at Infratil’s discretion. The offer comprises a General Offer and an Exchange Offer under which holders of the Infrastructure Bonds maturing 15 June 2021 can reinvest in the new Bonds.

Infratil wishes to advise that the allocation of Bonds to the public pool (being those applications that are made directly to Infratil) under the General Offer has been exhausted and that no further applications can be accepted.

The Exchange Offer under which holders of the Infrastructure Bonds maturing 15 June 2021 can reinvest in new Bonds remains open, but investors wishing to participate in the Exchange Offer are encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible.

Infrastructure Bonds offered under the Exchange Offer will be issued on 15 June 2021. Infrastructure Bonds offered under the General Offer will be issued on 6 July 2021.

Please see the link below for details

Infratil Infrastructure Bond Offer Update

Source: Infratil Limited

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