Forum Archive Index - April 2004
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RE: [sharechat] Option Trading
I'm no expert, so check with your accountant, and possibly a specialist in
international tax law/treaties, however, depending on volume of trades ...
and assuming you'll do a lot in the options space, you will be exposed to
being a 'trader' in the IRD definition, so perhaps best to align with a
business model so you can accrue expenses (and losses - heaven forbid)
against income/gains. Conversely, income/gains will be taxed at company (or
international company) rates.
Remember, it's always the best policy to pay your taxes, whether it's
locally or offshore, but pay them, and be happy with the diifference.
Evasion is for idiots, and invites scrutiny few, if any, can withstand or
would want. Avoidance is for the fence sitter that risks judgement either
way, but tax minimisation is for the well advised, and the domain of any
whom choose to pay for the advice. Just be sure the advice is proven, and
ask, or demand that proof.
FWIW, Options are the only thing my company has exposure to in the capacity
of investing, due purely to volume of trades, and they're all offshore, so
under various tax treaties and treatments. My bullion and stocks are very
low volume and generally only purchases, so treated as personal investments.
I have robust accounting and -always pay my taxes- accordingly. Be a good
Pay your dues and the IRD will leave you alone, because it's good for them
to do so -ergo the tax revenues from your knowledge, participation and
success are accruing to the country. You earn the country additional income
from your successes and -you- (your business, which pays you
dividends/drawings) earn additional income less taxes too. If it all turns
to custard, the model allows you to accrue losses against (all) incomes and
perhaps reduce your overall tax exposure.
Again, seek professonal advice from a qualified accountant, preferrably one
who has clients who trade options. Ask the question about having a business
trust owning the business that does the trading. Covoluted, but distancing
your personal self from the mechanism of trading might be right for you.
OTY, there's no generic answer. It's what works best for you. If you don't
know, get professional advice. Be prepared to pay for the best advice you
can get.
>Subject: [sharechat] Option Trading
>Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 23:37:17 GMT
>Hi guys,
>I am just setting up an option trading account and was wondering if its
>better to set it up under a company name or under my name. I guess I am
>using the reference from property investments where we set up a LAQC. Does
>the Option or Share scenario have any tax effective criteria like in
>property. And I will trading in Australian Options for now.
>All suggestions will be much appreciated.
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