Good on you Pete!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:15
Subject: [sharechat] ASX:MUL
Greetings All
I asked MultieMedia a few questions so I
could try to get my head around the technology. Here there are and
here is the reply that was sent to me a few hours later:
Question: ... explain the significants of "spot beams".
Answer: "Spot beam technology is the intensified beam over high traffic
areas eg capital cities, and provides more bandwidth deployment in those
areas while preserving sufficient bandwidth in less populated
MY Question: "The NewSkies NSS6 that MultieMedia use is
that owned by NewSkies and does MultieMedia just lease use of it (or part
of it)? Is it just one NSS6?"
MUL Answer: "NSS6 is the most
recently launched satellite of NewSkies fleet of 6. It covers 60% of the
worlds population and 50% of land mass and is located geostationery on the
equator at 95degrees east (400 nautical miles west of Singapore). We lease
transponder space on this satellite as we can on
other satellites."
MY Question: "How does the V-SAT fit into it?
And also ViaSat. Your news 19th May 2003 speaks of deployment of its V-SAT
technology into 10 commercial sites. Is V-SAT the terminal gear that
communications with the satelite? The article also says ViaSat is on
eof Amercia's largest V-SAT organisations."
MUL Answer: "VSAT stands
for very small aperture technology - spot beam - and is the 2 way
technology we deploy and buy from ViaSat in the US. You are correct in that
this is the equipment at each of our customers sites which now number far
more than the original 10 we spoke of last year. Sites are now located in
Australia, PNG,Timor, Iraq, Afganistan, Kuwait and Bahrain."
Hope this
is helpful to
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