Hi non believer investors
It seems that my posts over the last years re: DPC has past everyone by except me, by the lack of posts. (see sharechat archives)
3 years ago, I said on sharechat DPC was a forgotten stock. Dimebag on the other channel was saying the same thing.
I bought 17000 @ 65C , since then I have received 3-4cps div every 1/2 year and last year they gave us FREE warrants as well, I got 8500 ( half of my 17000 at the time). I then sold most of my portfolo to buy more DPC + warrants which I mentioned on sharechat and confused Snoopy and others with my cost accounting to find a exit price of these warrants and ordinary shares.
I have since stopped buying now and slowly divesting DPC. ( Might buy a rental house in the slums.....another issue)
Today DPC is worth $2.75. Warrants AV $1.13 each.
Get your calculators out and I bet you this beats GOLD. or most of the other subjects mentioned on sharechat. ........ yes other profitable stocks are not mentioned on sharechat neither.
I have deleted a lot of sharechat lately as the subjects are theoretical and theory which doesn't make you money. Most have been repetitive and can be found many times in the sharechat archives.
How to make money on the sharemarket at the moment is easy, look at the company's shareprice graphs...anything that has be pointing up for a longtime must be good . Anything that has been pointing down for a longtime must be bad (NZ Stocks are in a boom, so if a company can't make money now they NEVER will).
Believe in your common sense as this is your best barometer.
Yes do learn TA and FA and many others techiques. But do not get "blinded by a single analysis" these scientific techniques are tools, use them as tools of the trade. A Carpenter uses all tools to build a property investment ( e.g house). He doesn't just use a chisel, but other tools as well. A carpenter makes money by using his tools (same as a investor) An architect uses theory, so does a scientist to make their money, therefore sharechatters if you print your theories ,write a book, this may make you money ,as it is worthless writing to sharechat about it.
I understood that Sharechat objectives was to pass on information about shares that can make us all money...am I wrong?? At the moment ,this is not happening.
Have a look at the other channel, and compare, then write back here and try to beat their quality.....this is called competition.
An Investor doesn't clutter their brains with information overload and subsequent attempts to decipher, as the result will often be inaccurate. Hence the rule: keep it simple stupid KISS.
Last of all remember don't fall in love with a stock, nor over analyse a stock............EMOTION KILLS.
Celebrating DPC gain again...not keen on champaigne ..Waikato draught yeahhh 
Hope all for profitable investing
Cheers  oop
DISC Longterm investor Hold DPC WHS , BRY( bad investment 1998 sits in bottom drawer). Rental houses and flats.
If I sound simpleminded ,it is due to my degree in business management studies, sorry.