I do not know where you got this "breaking news' from. Quote
your source. I think this sort of post is totally irresponsible. The
only reference I can find is about BSE in Canada,with possible repercussions
here due to Canadians buying less beef.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 7:30
Subject: [sharechat] mad cow disease by
Breaking news tonight mad cow disease may or
may not be here. Watch the panic set In tomorrow, true or
not. If It Is for real, It means disaster for the
farmers farming stocks will plummet more farm bankrupts, and
a falling dollar will lead to higher Inflation, which will In turn
mean higher Interest rates. What ever happens now Is the time
to consider where you have your money Invested. This scare
can be compared to an outbreak of foot and mouth disease If It turns out
to be true. On the other hand If It turns out to be a false alarm,
then we will be able to buy a few oversold stocks at a discount to there
cheers macdunk. |
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