Good on you hoop, It Is simple as you point out. Don't chase the dogs like you say, but don't follow the sheep either. Practical people that are able to work out fact from bulldust, and stick to companies that do show good profits year after year will double there money every five years. The only thing that I look out for Is a sector about to down trend ex {farm related companies and the high nz dollar} then It Is time to get out and come back another day. Most of the financial advice that I read Is rubbish, It Is only my point of view, but then It Is also my money that I play with. That Is why I listen and learn, then do It my way. My own experience tells me to pick the brains of the chat posters, throw a few rocks that way you get honest answers, and In between the Insults you can pick up some good pointers. I always believe In calling the bluff so I had better give out my list of safe bets. POA. POT. PWC. SKC. KIP. AIA. If that lot cant double what the bank pays In twelve months Then I will give It all away. The more you complicate something the bigger chance for error so I am a bit like you hoop I like to keep It simple I dont have the time to spend on It otherwise. It Is picking the winners of tomorrow that counts Its simple. cheers macdunk. |