Perhaps If I let the bashers know of some real facts and figures then who knows they might be big enough to change there mind. I replaced a bit of scrub and gorse and planted 4500 pines approximately 10 yrs ago. The land was an eye sore worth nothing would never be any good for grazing. the pines cost I think to buy $1450 or there abouts. Today I would get six fence posts on average from each pine. Lets say 4000 pines have survived x 6 = 24000 posts. The postyard are willing to cut the pines have them treated and return one treated post in six back to my property free of charge. In other words I would have approx 4000 treated posts after ten years to replace my Initial Investment of $1450. Doing deals like that where money Is not Involved Is the country way of doing business where exchange Is on the Increase. Having a plantation of pines and a lemon orchard allowed me to register the property GST. This allows me to claim GST back on my rates and the Initial cost of the land and the pines etc. If I wait another ten years then I will have four times as much timber and can do deals for my building business. The Increase In volume gets greater as a pine grows. In other words posters bash all you like about pines It Is the people In the business that needs bashing. When It all comes good I will be first In . Think of the carbon credits I could claim If we had honest govt. It dousnt really matter who owns or sells the trees they all go out the ports,[POT, POA, keep watch. disc hold poa pot. cheers macdunk |