Good stuff .Call it how it is.
Funny how people get defensive when you do.
It appears I ruffled a few feathers with my
last post, but sorry girls I say It as I see It. I did tell snoopy
and phaedrus that I have learned from both of them, and Indeed thanked
them for It. I was Informed that I was still In nappies by
one and told by another that phaedrus ought to enlighten me with a chart
on POT. All I did do wrong In your opinion was call the bluff
which being me I simply cant resist It. When I require a chart I
get It from the granny herald web site which Is free and to a complete
Incompetent like me suffices. Needless to say girls I am so
Incompetent I only make 20pc+ pa not like you lot eh?. The only
fixation I have with chartists Is they tell you how good It all Is but
never tell you what they have bought sold or holding. I only compared
snoopies honesty against phaedruses secrecy. I really couldn't
care one way or the other what shares he holds only the fact he didn't
respond to snoopies post In a very nice way In my opinion. If you
are offended tough bickies Its how I see It I never lower myself to
personal Insults only fools do that. The reason I look on myself
as a novice Is I required all my funds running a very successful
business and still do and Its only In the last four years that I have
made a bit of time to the market. That Is one reason I press for
Information Its pointless someone telling me how good It Is I want proof
. snoopy does that phaedrus does not thats why I press him not insult
If you read my
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