Tony you just reminded me speaking of the good old days..1975 or 1973 (memory fade) The NZ stockmarket boom ended the day after I bought my first shares..typical, one might say.The broker told me to invest first in large "safe"shares with household names, and to which all descent investors would have in their with this information I bought a small parcel of JBL...The rest is history  oop
-------Original Message-------
Date: Sunday, 22 June 2003 21:23:07
Subject: Re: [sharechat] Dogs Tales of the Century just reminded me of my real old dogs which all had to be shot..........Chase,Equiticorp,Jedi,NZ Equities,Smart Group,London Pacific,Australasian Breeding Stables,Venturecorp etc etc etc and by the way Brierley were $5.80 July 1986!
And I still dabble????????
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, 22 June 2003 19:28 p.m.
Subject: Re: [sharechat] Dogs Tales of the Century

-------Original Message-------
Date: Saturday, 21 June 2003 15:47:04
Subject: Re: [sharechat] Dogs Tales of the Century
Anyone else got a dog tale of the century to tell? You want Dogs! Mine don't even bark anymore........I've lost $150k+ on these 2, ITC & CER, after knowing it all making a like amount on FEG. But as I said in an earlier post, I'm well on my way back. I've looked at the consequences of my earlier decisions & hopefully learnt from them. I believe there are no failures in life only those who didn't know they could succeed. KTm
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