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From: | "G Stolwyk" <stolwyk@wave.co.nz> |
Date: | Tue, 1 Apr 2003 15:52:12 +1200 |
C: Company data / profiles. E: Education. E/T: Education Technical. F/T: Funds or Trusts. G: Government. SE: Stock Exchange. SH: Shareholders' association. SR: Share registrar. UK: British markets. US: US markets and Chat sites. AU: Australian markets and chat sites. NZ: NZ markets and chat sites. S: Special. < http://www.diansfundfreebies.com/notes/index.html
> Compound Interest Engine (Rec. by
< http://table.finance.yahoo.com/k?s=nrt.ax&g=d > Historical Prices. If you want it for CLH, replace
"nrt" in the URL by "clh". If you want it for the
NZ stock SKC, then replace "nrt.ax" by "skc.nz" < http://www.xe.com/ucc > Excellent currency converter. < http://www.spellex.com/biotech.htm
> Spelling of Biotech
< http://babelfish.altavista.com > Translation
of a web page
or block of
text: < www.alltheweb.com > Fast
commercial search engine. ( Rec. by Stolwyk ).
< http://www.ozforex.com.au/cgi-bin/Convert.asp >
Currency conversions. (does not work on weekends; this site is kept
a reserve. Please use the
abovementioned one instead)
< www.globalbankinfo.com >
Gateway to international banking. Banks of the world and their web addresses.
This includes:
< http://moneyonline.co.nz/brokerage/prospect.htm
>: Money Online: Discount Brokerage
Service.( Rec. by Phil. Robinson ).
< www.lowrisk.com
> Historical Bull and Bear periods, market crashes, P/E
ratios. ( Rec. by Stolwyk ).
< http://www.gold.org/finalgold/html/index.html
> World Gold Council. Markets and Demand. ( Rec. by Stolwyk ).
< http://kitco.com > Gold trading and
news. Discussion of other precious metals.
C: < http://www.corporateinformation.com > A
massive world data base of some 350,000
company profiles and detailed
analysis of over 20,000 companies
and web sites. Com.: Some details of
an analysis can be out of date: Check the relevant company's web site as well.
( Rec. by Rini H. ).
C: < http://www.corporateinformation.com/aucorp.html
> As above, the Australian version.
E: http://www.sharechat.co.nz/cgi-bin/msgboards/post_show.pl?id=2314
FIG: Screening Criteria
used when evaluating companies.
Fundamental investors need to read the August,
2001, progress report.
E: < www.investors.com/learn/ >
Click on " IBD learning centre ". A good site. Some care
is needed when some Dot.com companies are discussed. ( Rec. by D. O' Conner
E: < www.investorwords.com/ >
This financial glossary has 5000 definitions and 15000 links between related
terms. A 'must have'
( Rec. by Snoopy ).
E: < www.investopedia.com > Tutorials on
basic concepts of investing, dictionary, practical tips. Good site! Rec. by
E: < http://www.fool.com
> Site of ' The Motley Fool '. Investment strategies, tutorials,
special high quality features. A very respected site! Rec. by B.
E: < www.geocities.com/andrewychan/index.html
> File name; " Economic Model V 16 ". PDF file. Philip
Robinson strongly recommends this 33 page pdf called " The Mechanics of the
Economic Model, ROIC, WACC, EVA, MVA and CAP defined".
E: < http://www.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar > Various
programs and models used in valuation, capital budgeting, " optimal
" capital structure and many other subjects. Including
spreadsheets. Rec. by Philip Robinson.
E: < http://members.iinet.net.au/~pacomius/faq/main.htm >
An Australian discussion group answers frequently asked questions and discusses
definitions > ( Rec. by Snoopy ).
Instructions and
spreadsheet ( MS Works and Excel ) for the calculation of
Market Value of
off-line.(Stolwyk). Also, a
program:"ShareCalc.zip" :
Transactional calculations arising from buying
and selling of shares. ( Kevin Barclay). Kevin offered this site free to the
Forum and this gesture is appreciated! Kevin wrote the required programs for
that web site.
E: < http://www.newscientist.com >
Discusses Science & Technology. Excellent site! ( Rec. by Stolwyk
E/T: < www.stanz.co.nz >
The Society of Technical Analysts, NZ inc. This society meets regularly and
meetings are addressed by well known speakers. The site als lists a number
of recommended books.
E/T: < www.echarts.com/Learning/Library/
> Learning technical analysis, trading terms and the interpretation of
charts. A top site!
( Rec. by
Phaedrus )
< http://www.equis.com/Education/TAAZ >
TA Educational-Prime site. F/T:
< www.funds-sp.com/win/en/
> Rates funds/trusts and has a massive data base ( Rec. by T.
Haddon ).
F/T: < www.trustnet.com > Rates
the dominant 1830 of the international unit- and investment trusts with up
to five year's performance. Data can be rearranged to extract other comparisons.
Top site! ( Rec. by Stolwyk ).
G <
> (Rec. by
G: < www.stats.govt.nz >
Statistics, NZ.
G < http://www.rbnz.govt.nz/statistics/exandint/b2/data-01.html#P231_979 >
Wholesale Interest rates. G: < www.rbnz.govt.nz >
Reserve Bank, NZ.
G: < http://rangi.knowledge-basket.co.nz/gpacts/actlists.html
> Lists of acts in the GP Legislation collections. It includes Hansard. The
private company collecting this Govt. data is owned by two former
librarians. Good site!
SE: < www.nzse.co.nz
> The NZSE. This site provides information to the
SE: < http://www.sharechat.co.nz/archives/2001/12/msg00189.shtml
> Important Graphs: NZSE 40 Capital Index,
years 1967 - 2001. Also, NZSE Capital - and Gross Indices, years 1994
- 2001. ( Preparation and comment by Phaedrus ).
SE: < http://www.debtmarket.co.nz >
The NZSE Debt Market. Govt.
and other securites; interest rates and yields. ( Rec. by N. Kearney
SE: < http://www.asx.com.au/TextOnly.shtm
The Australian SE.
SE < http://www.asx.com.au/asx/statistics/todayAnnHeaders.jsp >
Company Announcements.
SE < http://www.asic.gov.au/asic/asic.nsf >
SE < http://www.asx.com.au/markets/l3/ShortSales_AM3.shtm > SHORT SELLING - Approved net short sale
SE: < www.nyse.com
> The New York SE.
SE: < www.nasdaq.com
> The Nasdaq.
SE: < www.londonstockexchange.com
> The London SE.
SH: <http://www.better-investing.org >
The site of NAIC: National Association of Investors Corporation ( US ). (
Rec. by Stolwyk ).
SH: < http://www.asa.asn.au > Australian
Shareholders' Association.
SR: < www.au.computershare.com > The Computershare share registrar.
SR: <
> The Perpetual share registrar.
UK: < http://www.digitallook.com
> Listing of companies of the FTSE 100, Nasdaq 100,
S&P500, DOW and European SE's.
Research in the companies of
these SE's. Funds and Finance. News and information on English and
Scottish football clubs. Powerful site! ( Rec. by D. Hawthorne ).
UK: < http://www.hotelsandflights.com/invest.html > Has
links to several good sites: ADVFN advertizes real-time
Links to all of the world's SE's and others. ( Rec.
by M. Hudson ).
UK: < http://www.cityhotdesk.co.uk >
List of UK stockbrokers, online brokers. FTSE quotes and charts. Market
news. Features conferences and calender. Institutes and Authorities. ( Rec.
by M. Hudson ).
UK: < http://uk.biz.yahoo.com/366 >
Financial news from several leading leading UK newspapers covering a period of
30 days, on a day by day basis. ( Rec. by DR ).
UK < http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business >
BBC News UK: < http://www.newsnow.co.uk/cgi-bin/NewsNow/NewsFeed.htm?Section=Business+Finance >
Hot financial news, "5 to 10 minutes old "and in steps down to
"2 to 4 hrs old" and it covers previous days as well. It
features a drop-down box: "The news this week", and discusses a number of
topics. ( Rec. by DR ).
UK: < http://www.advfn.com > Real time
pricing and valuable analysis tools eg. Intraday trading graph with margin
overlay graph and volumes reported by the minute. Register
first. Top site! ( Rec. by M.Hudson
UK: < http://uk.biz.yahoo.com/z/v/vod.l.html > In depth Broker Reports. Important
site. ( Rec. by DR ).
UK: < http://moneyworld.uk-wire.com/company > Alphabetical
list of Regulatory News Service ( RNS) UK Company Announcements. Valuable
site! ( Rec. by DR ).
UK: < http://www.carol.co.uk > Direct
online links to over 3000 Company Annual reports from Europe, USA and Asia.
Carol keeps adding to that number! ( Rec. by DR
UK: < http://www.ofex.com > OFEX site
for aspiring small companies. Registration needed. ( Rec. by DR
UK: < http://www.investtech.com/subscr/uk >
TA site. Charts of - and comments on LSE companies.
Buy and sell signals given on corporates. A treasure chest! ( Rec. by DR
US: < http://www.msci.com
> Morgan Stanley Capital International Inc. The MSCI Indices are the
most widely used benchmarks by global portfolio managers. These are regularly
updated ( Rec. by Stolwyk ).
US: < http://www.bloomberg.com > Finance,
Markets. ( Rec. by Nick Kearney ).
US: < < www.clearstation.com >
Record of daily historical Dow and Nasdaq readings. Quotes, charts,
company announcements, chat sites ( Rec. by Stolwyk ).
US: < http://finance.yahoo.com > Quotes, charts, news, stock screener. List of
Brokers, Education, Bonds. All major exchanges. ( Rec. by Christian Mair
US < http://www.nasdaq.com/econoday/calendar/US/EN/New_York/year/2003/month/03/day/17/daily/index.html >
US < http://quotes.nasdaq.com/quote.dll?mode=stock&kind=&symbol=NVGN&symbol=LOOK&symbol=&symbol=&symbol=&symbol=&symbol=&symbol=&symbol=&symbol=&FormType=&mkttype=&pathname=&page=quick&selected=LOOK >
Prices of Nasdaq stocks--20 min. delay.
US < http://www.ozestock.com.au/MessageView.asp?PostID=203754&Symbol=NRT > REALTIME SEC Filings, Holdings Summary,
Institutinal Holdings, Insider Trading, Quotes. Change the code
US < http://www.thomsonfn.com > Good
allround site. US: < http://ragingbull.lycos.com/cgi-bin/static.cgi/a=index.txt&d=mainpages >
Good Chat site. ( Rec. by Christian Mair ).
US: < http://www.virtualstockexchange.com >
Chat site. Massive array of Message Boards. Brief investment
guide. ( Rec. by the "Intelligent Investing Team" ).
US: < http://www.thelion.com > Massive
Stock Forum ( 32 mill. postings ). Stock advice, research and
market statistics. ( Rec. by Christian Mair ).
US: < http://www.ceoexpress.com/default.asp >
Links to Business and Finance. ( Rec. by Paul Taylor
US: < http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com >
Charts, Company profiles and Annual Reports. Good site! ( Rec.
by Christian Mair ).
US: < http://www.stockcharts.com
> Charts. Unique Stock screener that can screen for
TA signals. Specifically:- 30 indicator signals, 18 specific
Candlestick patterns and 17 Point and Figure alerts. All free! If you subscribe
(About $US 14 - $US 20/month), you can set up your own screens, and access a lot
more functions. Comment By Phaedrus. ( Rec.
by Christian Mair ).
US < http://www.litwick.com/glossary.html >
Glossary of Candlestick Indicators.
US: < http://cbs.marketwatch.com/tools/default.asp?siteid=mktw >
US Charts, quotes, research, stockscreener. ( Rec. by
US: < http://www.quicken.com > Scoring of
Companies by W. Buffet's method, Mot. Fool's Foolish 8 and NAIC
methods. Analyst's ratings, research, quotes and stock screener. Quality
site! ( Rec. by David Hawthorne ).
US: < http://my.zacks.com > Quotes, news, Analyst's
reports and recommendations, ratings, stockscreener and more. ( Rec. by Phaedrus
US: < http://www.valuengine.com/servlet/Main >
Valuation of stocks. Not always free. This site has been included as some
novel valuation methods have been used. ( Rec. by David Hawthorne
US: < http://www.fortune.com > Revenues and
profiles of the biggest Fortune Global
500, US 500, 1000 and 1500 companies.
( Rec. by
P.Maiden ).
US < http://nytimes.com > New York
Times. US: < http://biotech.about.com > Powerful
Biotech / Biomedical site. Enter: "NEWS" in the search box and click on "GO".
Many other sites as well ( Rec. by Mystic ).
US: < http://www.biospace.com > Although
the introduction of subscription has somewhat diminished the importance, there
are still a lot of useful features eg. click on " Companies" and you will find
links to them. Click on "Clinical Development" and search by Company
or Drug.
AU: < http://stocknessmonster.com >
Australian and NZSE share prices and sales; company
announcements, Australian Market
Depth data. Past Company news. A
'must have' site! ( Rec. by Stolwyk
AU < http://www.shareanalysis.com/asp/Calendar.asp >
EVENTS (ASX Companies: Interim and Final Announcement - div.
dates - Comp. history):
AU: < http://au.finance.yahoo.com >
Stock research, Quotes, online brokerage fees, charts, fundamentals, financial
glossary, education. ( Rec. by Phaedrus ).AU <
http://marketinfo.tdwaterhouse.com.au/licensee/tdwaterhouse/html/tdmarketwindow.html >
Company research, screening
tool, upcoming
dividends. AU: < www.egoli.com.au
> ( Click on ' News and views ' ). Australian company news
and comment being updated as trading
Note the important NAB or ANZ
forecasts made from time to time. Chat
site ( Rec. by Stolwyk ).
AU: < http://www.stockcentral.com.au >
Good quality Forum, 'Big Book': Upcoming floats, Dividends declared. ( Rec.
by P. Maiden ).
AU: < http://incrediblecharts.com.au > Charts,
new powerful Stock Screens. Free online charting software - 50 indicators.
Tutorials. ( Rec. by Revhead ).
AU: < http://www.ozestock.com.au > Australian
Company profiles, advanced charts and active message boards ( Rec. by Stolwyk
AU <
http://www.hotcopper.com.au/default.asp >
Chatsite. AU: < http://www.flq.com.au > Free Live
Quotes and Company Announcements. Personalise a Watchlist to track selected
Get company announcement alerts for your Watchlist stocks. Get email
alerts when your Watchlist stocks hit highs and lows. Charts and indices. ( Rec.
by Stolwyk ).
AU: < http://investor.ninemsn.com.au >
Australian prices, company balance sheets, announcements and commentary,
historical financials. Stockscreener, based on fundamentals. It assigns
ratings: Click on "Finder" - top tool bar. Top site! Most info can be obtained without registration! ( Rec. by P.
AU: < www.brokerchoice.com.au
> Online trading prices charged by Australian brokers.( Rec.
by B. Byork ).
AU: http://marketinfo.tdwaterhouse.com.au/licensee/tdwaterhouse/html/tdmarketwindow.html
Screening tool, Company research.
AU/ NZ: < http://globalregister.co.nz
> Share prices of NZ and Australian stocks including those
of little known stocks. The shares are arranged in alphabetical order.
Armstrong Jones Unit trusts.
< www.sharechat.co.nz > At left is
the Side tool bar: Click on the tab: '
Education'; This has links to the 'First
Steps' and ' Learning To
Invest ' series and other
subjects. Sharechat has a Forum and Message Boards
and offers many
services. The Focus Investing
Group ( FIG ), uses one of the message
NZ < http://stockwatch.nzherald.co.nz >
(Rec. by wsheridan) NZ:
< http://www.nzum.com > "The New Zealand
Unlisted Market": Companies and Registered Office Addresses, Directors. Web
sites, news and educational content. Excellent site! ( Rec. by SCOTTY
< http://www5.regards.com
> Design your own greeting cards. (Rec. by
S < http://cards.webshots.com >
Electronic greeting cards.
S < http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/omd >
On-Line Medical Dictionary (Rec. by
Stolwyk) Disclaimer: All data subject to
confirmation. Acknowledgement:
I want to thank the contributors who gave this information to the