Bill wroteThe dollar is the unknown quantity and would suggest the present
dry conditions would be of more pressing concern, seeing some
farmers are either down to once a day milking or drying off their
herd about 3 months early.
Farmers are hardworking, resilient folks and have to put up with
many ups and downs and feel thay will somehow pull through.
Most of this seasons production has been forward sold under a hedging
program taken out by Fonterra at 40 odd cents to the U.S. dollar.
I don't know how long these hedging contracts run for but my guess is
they will start to run out next season (2003 -04).
Each 1.0 cent appreciation in the N.Z. dollar against the U.S. dollar
reduces dairy farmers payouts by 10 cents/kg milk solids.
In my opinion Fonterra are being very optomistic estimating a payout
of $3.70/kg ms for next season.