Charting programs are great for looking up the past but are only a
very small part of predicting the future, thats where common sense takes
over. Example, wri shares had to be at there peak in sept,
rising dollar farm incomes falling, there customer base hit hard great
company but profits have to wilt. Mr Market is a lunatic to predict
his next move cant be done with charts alone, he will take you to the top
of the cliff with buy signals and dump you. The base average
investor can expect market level plus divs pa. Since the market
hasnt moved in three years divs is what they have earned. The smart
people are way out in front of that, and I dont mean the financial
advisors and self proclaimed experts who I consider dumboes. They
try to complicate the simple things so that ordinary mum and dad investors
think its all to complicated and leave there money to rot in the
bank. To the chartists I say {never mind the crap tell us what will
happen tomorrow} or cut out how clever you are. The only charts I
use I find on herald web site. Try and corner a chartist with a
prediction or two and you will see where they come from. Common
sense is all it takes, and you dont need to be a rocket scientist to have
a touch of that. To the chartists I say{ tell us what cards you are
holding, and why you bought}, and when, we dont want to know how many that
is personal. I tried to call there bluff before, and I expect this
time it will be the same, but I am big enough to take the flak
and I dont mind if you prove me