Well - Tax is a very interesting
subject.(but not a direct lot to do with shares) What the tax
levels should be is one approach, but of most interest to me
is that I have always been pretty sure that NZ tax rates
weren't much out of line with other countries( and when you
consider that most other countires have complicated sales tax
schemes that have to be added to the base tax the final
rate is regularly higher than NZ's)
Its always been of concern that (- for example when
the goverment got in about three years ago -) the
newsmedia was often filled with stories of wailing
and tears from the Round table and the Manufacturers
federation and the like that (ie: 3 years ago) "what the new
governemt should do is listen to industry and change (
ie:lower) tax rates to match Australia's". As these
groups have often shown, listening to them is usually the dead
wrong thing to do.
If these people dont know the tax rates in Ausy, then one
can reasonably ask if they know how to run their
Kind regards.