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Re: [sharechat] Who writes this?

From: "Richard Hooper" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 20:53:21 +1300

Hi Nick
I got one too.
----- Original Message -----
From: nick
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 6:50 PM
Subject: [sharechat] Who writes this?

     Keep recieving the following newsletter (quite amusing keep them coming)
Any idea who it from?
                      not the nine o'clock news

                    No 32 Friday February 22 2002

                           All Blacks For

New Zealand's debt is rising relentlessly, even as
national assets are sold to pay for it. Four million
Kiwis now owe international banks $120,000 million.
That's $30,000 for every man, woman and child.

Gross National Product growth has passed 3%. But foreign debt is
growing faster. It has blown out from 48%  to 120% of GNP. To
pay its debts, NZ has to sell more goods. But how? The debt is
now three times annual exports. Debt service takes one in every
five dollars of export income. That compares with one dollar in
ten in 1983. It's equivalent to total meat and dairy exports. Even
with the nascent trade surplus, NZ is borrowing just to pay interest
on accumulated deficits.

Reserve Bank Governor Brash warns, "The more indebted, the
less resilient to adverse economic shocks, and the higher the
potential vulnerability. The culprit is households spending more
than their income." NZ has the lowest ratio of household wealth
to income. Living hand to mouth, like the harvest grasshopper,
putting nothing in store against the gathering winter, what will
happen to current account and currency when exports freeze over?
Longwhitecloudland could end up one of the World Bank's
'Highly Indebted Poor Countries.' NZ indebtedness already
surpasses levels associated with the 1997 Asian crisis when
Indonesia's debt at 25% of GDP, Malaysia's 39% and Thailand's
50% rendered those currencies so vulnerable. Between the
Argentine Peso and the South African Rand falls the shadow.

One would think in these circumstances that gold would be
attractive to Kiwi savers. Paper dollars buy less and less. An
ounce of gold historically increases in value. Why sink as low as a
dollar when you can levitate with a golden bar?

'Save'? What's 'save'? Kiwis are so short-sighted and
consumerist they are selling their Otter Gold shares at liquidation
prices a fraction of the going rate in terms of projected annual
production ounce. A capital raising at 20 cents a share would clear
company debts and develop Favona as New Zealand's biggest
gold project and timeliest, as gold awakens from a 20-year

Who is there to stop the haemorrhaging? Good news for
endangered Kiwis is that the Clark government is taking off the
blinkers and looking for winners. Economically challenged 'think-
tanks,' bankers, US embassy and IMF gasp in horror. But the
reality is, there is no free market. The one thing every
businessman hates is competition. And one thing big business
knows is how to neutralise competition. When the people are not
represented, when the corporate lodge dictates the rules of the
game, then workers, consumers, borrowers and local businesses
alike are sheep for the slaughter.

Curtailing cartels, the government is putting up capital for NZ
Post's bank for families. Kiwibank will cut the cost of banking
and eliminate home loan application fees but it needs 100,000
customers to be viable. Or will Kiwis 'stick with the strength'? Oh
well. Sheep are born to be shorn.

While conning mums and dads to buy what they are selling,
insiders are getting into real money, the only money in a crisis,
gold. It might sound mystical but what is really needed to rescue
EndZedders from their savings vacuum and debt morass is

Let the government take the lead and invest in gold production,
for countries producing gold will gain relative strength in the
coming crisis. Let it use its well-earned credit to repatriate debt
and build a corporate bond market in New Zealand. Don't go ba
ba . Think big. Go gold and bar bar bar all the way to the bank.

                            US Widens War

The US is set to launch a series of wars in Central Asia,
according to Russian intelligence sources. Preparations are in
full swing with two hundred thousand US troops being moved
into position. Air Force Central Command will commence
counter-terrorism in September.

Kurdish communists fighting for independence in Iraq, Syria and
Iran are being recruited to play the same role as the Northern
Alliance played in Afghanistan. According to Spain's La
Vanguardia, the US intends to eliminate Iraq's ground forces and
air bases in extensive air strikes. A "popular uprising" will be
announced and a pro-western leader like Khamid Karzay installed.
A "peacekeeping mission" will set up bases as in Kosovo. Similar
operations will be carried out in Syria, Iran and Turkey, which
will be compensated for loss of Kurdistan with a franchise over
the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline from Caspian Sea oil fields.

Britain, Russia and Europe are not amused. The EU's Chris Patten
admonishes Washington's "unilateralist overdrive." Even NATO
Secretary-General George Robertson, usually an enthusiastic
Atlanticist, urges Europe to boost defence spending in response.
German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer told Der Spiegel that
"no evidence has been presented to me that Osama bin Laden's
terror has something to do with the Iraqi regime. The international
coalition against terror is not in and of itself a blank check to
invade countries." Der Spiegel depicts Bush as Rambo, Rumsfeld
as Conan the Barbarian, Powell in a Batman suit, Cheney as the
Terminator, and Condoleeza Rice as Xena the Warrior Princess.
"Is The US Going Mad?" Le Monde demande.

                   The Skeptical Environmentalist

Coming soon after a petition signed by 19,000 US scientists
declared the Kyoto Carbon Emissions Treaty "a fraudulent
con," a book by Danish statistician Bjorn Lomborg shows
global warming is more political than scientific, undermining
the depopulation plans of global visionaries.

Satellites are the only reliable measure of atmospheric
temperature and show there has been no warming over the last ten
years. If the Weather Bureau can't predict tomorrow, how much
reliance can we place on 100-year forecasts by tree-hugging
econuts? Let them reduce their own pollution by not flying around
the world in Boeings to attend their stupid conferences. See also
essays by Dr Aaron Oakley for example:

                          Cosi E Si Vi Pare

The Japanese government says banks have on their books 40
trillion yen or $300 billion in non-performing loans. Others
say it's five times that, equal to 20 Enrons. As of April Fool's
Day, Japan will no longer guarantee term deposits. Many are
taking their cash while they can.

Yoshihiro Matsumoto, Mitsubishi's head of gold retail, says,
"Normally our customers buy 1 or 5 kg of gold. Recently they're
buying huge amounts. And more want to take their gold home
than leave it in a bank box." "Customers tell me that even if the
price of gold falls," says Yoshiko Mizutani, manager of The Gold
Shop, "it will never fall to zero. If their bank goes under, their
savings could disappear."

Banks built on pyramids of fractional-reserve book-entry money
created out of thin air and loaned out at interest are as safe as
depositors believe. Debt's great in an expanding economy. For
every hundred dollars capital base, banks lend about a thousand.
But when the economy shrinks under the weight of the
malinvestments of a credit boom causing money expansion - too
much capital chasing too few economic business propositions -
leverage goes into reverse and losses multiply. A bank loses its
hundred dollar base ten times over when a thousand dollar loan
goes bad.

"It is so, if so it seems to you!" said Luigi Pirandello's play,
mocking modernism and the imagineering solipsism of New Age
neo-Hindu madness: "it's all one, my dream is true for me, you
too can be whatever you want to be." Aaah, Fantasyland! The
happiest kingdom of them all. A more realistic version of
Pirandello's expression will soon be gracing the lips of rueful
savers all around the world: "Cosi e!" Or as my cousin Ned Kelly
said, Such is life!

                          Live And Let Die

70 terrorists from the fundamentalist Hindu organisation
Bajrang Dal attacked Holy Family Church at Hinkal India on
Sunday with clubs, smashing windows, ransacking the
sacristy, and injuring seven people including a 4-year-old.

The terrorists are violating standards laid down in the Universal
Declaration of Rights: freedom of speech, association and
religion. They accuse Christians of converting Hindus but only
God converts. Following the incident, the perpetrators were
identified but no arrests made. Why does the Indian government
countenance fanatics exacerbating international tensions? Hindus
must accept responsibility for peace like all members of the global
community. For the new order of peace and security for the world
is multicultural.

                        My Dog's A Terrorist

"America has thrown open its doors and laid out the welcome
mat for murderers and revolutionaries," says Joseph Farrah
of "Terrorists are flocking into the US
because of phenomenally lax, many say suicidal, border and
immigration policies.

"Since 911 most Americans have become aware our nation's
borders are a sieve. Terrorists, if they want to get into America,
can do so. Middle Eastern illegals find easy entrance into the US
from Mexico. Corruption at US Customs Service has opened a
door. Clinton and Gore pressured the Immigration And
Naturalization Service to naturalize thousands of criminals just for
votes. Canada is another entry point. Unchecked immigration is
fueling a secessionist movement in the US Southwest."

Farrah cites Pat Buchanan's book The Death Of The West:
"America has undergone a cultural and social revolution. We are
not the same country that we were in 1970 or even 1980. We are
not the same people. While the awful events of September 11
created a national unity unseen since Pearl Harbor, they also
exposed a new divide. The real chasm in our country is not one of
income, ideology or faith, but ethnicity and loyalty. Suddenly we
awoke to the realization that among our millions of foreign-born,
a third are here illegally, tens of thousands loyal to regimes we
could be at war with, some trained terrorists sent to murder
Americans. Uncontrolled immigration threatens to deconstruct the
nation and convert America into a conglomeration of peoples with
almost nothing in common - not history, heroes, language,
culture, faith, or ancestors. Balkanization."

What is to be done? Farrah says Samuel Adams - "one of the great
American founders, one under-appreciated among a long list of
heroes under-appreciated" - had the answer to today's
unAmerican power brokers in Washington who are producing a
nation of immoral fat lazy and stupid people: 'A general
dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow
the liberties of America than the whole force of the common
enemy. While the people are virtuous, they cannot be subdued.
But when once they lose their virtue, they will be ready to
surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader. If
virtue and knowledge are diffused, the people will never be

                         The Beast Unveiled

The vile media is once again revealing the true spirit of
republicanism: the mentality of hate. Journalists: profession of
treason. What hypocrites! How dare these worn-out old sexual
liberationists cast the first stone? How many teenage girls did you
have John? How many abortions Geraldine?

If the rat-pack are so concerned about children being abused, let
them investigate a whole list of homosexuals in high places, let
them look into policies of their own making that put children on
the streets and replace fathers with predators and counsellors and
mum's boyfriend.

This scabby rabble of scribes, these hell-bound hyenas, are baying
for the blood of an innocent man. Let Howard and Hollingworth
stand firm as Horatio at the bridge. Hey, is there any prima facie
evidence of a criminal cover-up? If so, call the police. If not, howl
yourselves to death.

"The fact is," as Maree Howard points out "our system
works rather well. When you look around the world at the
countries which seem the most stable, liberal in their laws and
tolerant of diverse opinions, overwhelmingly these countries tend
to be constitutional monarchies: Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden,
Denmark, Norway, Spain, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia
and, of course, New Zealand."

                     How Do Soar Like An Eagle?

In valuing South African gold stocks, reveals
astute Magellan, Gabelli and American Express buying Durban
Deeps. Take a look at a ballistic trajectory, search AU:DRD at

                     When Surrounded By Turkeys

Felix Rohatyn, as senior a banker as the head of America's central
bank, Alan Greenspan, wants an increase in regulation of the
banking industry to prevent the spread of Enronitis.

                           G'day Gundagai

The dog sits on the tucker-box / He's getting pretty mad / The
country's gone to other dogs / It's getting flaming bad / They're
sellin' out Australia / It makes you wonder why / Whole tucker-
box is foreign-owned / Said the dog from Gundagai / They're
sellin' farms and factories / And a million's out of work / From
Sydney town to Adelaide / And way out back o' Bourke / It's time
that true-blue Aussies / And that means you and I / Stood up to
guard the tucker-box / Says the dog from Gundagai / For in ten
years time what happens / If we don't make a stand / Who'll own
those jolly jumbucks / Across our native land / Who'll run our
mines and factories / Who'll pay our kids the dole / Which bank
will own your mortgage / Who'll own you heart and soul / Who'll
pay your flamin' wages / Who'll have you payin' rent / Who'll tell
your kids what happened / And where your freedom went / Or can
that good old digger spirit / A bit of do or die / Get back that
flamin tucker box / Asks the dog from Gundagai.

                             Goodbye AMA

At the Sydney Mardi Gras festival Australian Medical Association
president Dr Kerryn Phelps launched a Gay Lobby report 'Meet
The Parents' that claims children do well with 'same-sex parents.'
Who does Kerryn represent? Australia's doctors? Or her

                        Women Power And Money

A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband; a man
never worries about the future until he gets a wife. A successful
man is one who makes money faster than his wife can spend it, a
successful woman one who finds such a man.

Have you noticed though that the woman always has the last say?
When the man has the last say, that's a totally new argument.

                          Mission Statement

Sorting the relevant and true from media diversion, distraction,
distortion and disinformation, we publish viewpoints not those of
the editors, preferring to put out on a troubled sea of thought than
cast anchor in nonsense. We claim no monopoly on truth,
shunning only ego-driven clutching at straws. Everyone is offered
grace and truth. The problem is in the will not the intellect. As it
is written, 'caritatem veritatis non receperunt ut salvi fierent' -
they would not receive the truth that they might be saved (St
Paul). And 'non intratur in veritatem nisi per caritatem' - one
does not enter into truth except through love (St Augustine). Our
patrons are spiritual risk-takers who know 'nothing ventured
nothing gained' - People Against Negative Stereotyping, Green
Right, Addictions Spiritual Healing, Libertarian Catholics, New
South China Group and The Gold Club. Subscriptions: $20pa
email; $200pa post. POBox 2033 Moorabbin 3189 Australia.


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