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[sharechat] ShareChat Forum Posting Guidelines - Please Read

From: "Ben Dutton" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 15:46:00 +1100

ShareChat Forum Posting Guidelines

1)  Terms and Conditions

All Forum members and users should be reminded that all posts are subject to
accepting the ShareChat Use and Access of Website Agreement (Terms and
Conditions).  These are located here:

2)  Repetitive postings

Users are discouraged from posting continual updates on a company or share.
This is because of the following reasons:

a) Not all users have the same interest in the company as the poster, and
constant repetition is tiresome (if users have an interest in the company
chances are they are following it through the company announcements feed
available elsewhere on the Internet).
b) Continually talking about a specific company can be construed as
"ramping" or "hyping" that company.  While ShareChat does not believe this
happens, to maintain a balanced community we believe it is more constructive
to lean towards the "less is more" approach.

3)  Thanking people

Users should not make a habit of writing to the Forum to thank someone for a
post or analysis.  Discretion is required here as sometimes a thank-you is
necessary, but this can normally be done either off the Forum (send it to
the poster's personal Email address instead of the Forum address) or in a
post that continues the discussion.  Alternatively users can put "TIA" in
their posts (TIA stands for "Thanks in advance").

This will reduce clutter and ensure the quality of posts is maintained -
remember some people are quite busy and it takes time to check every

4)  Off-topic questions/technical help etc.

Sometimes ShareChat can resemble a help desk for people trying to
technically work something out.  While asking a question on the Forum is
fine, further correspondence should be continued off the Forum.  It's
important to keep ShareChat "on topic" as such - it is after all a Forum for
discussing shares!

5)  ShareChat - what should be discussed?

ShareChat was originally founded as a Forum where people could talk about
New Zealand shares and the New Zealand sharemarket.  However, as the
globalisation of investing spreads more New Zealanders are investing
overseas, especially on the Australian Stock Exchange.

This means that New Zealanders will want to talk about these companies and
indeed, ShareChat should be the place where they can do so.  Once again
however, discretion is advised.  As ShareChat is a "general" forum, and not
focused on one stock (as many overseas message boards are) users should be
aware that repetitive postings on stocks that may not be relevant to the
majority of the ShareChat community can be unhelpful for keeping the Forum
on topic.

While we do not wish to discourage discussion on overseas opportunities nor
do we wish to see the Forum flooded with a constant stream of messages on
one particular company.  There is a fine line between keeping within the
spirit of the ShareChat community and being annoying to the ShareChat

If there is a particular topic or stock on the NZSE, ASX or anywhere other
exchange, please contact us about setting up a special message board on the
Message Board section of ShareChat where more indepth analysis can take
place for the interested parties

6)  Politeness/Abuse/General Netiquette

We strongly advise that if users have concerns about people on the Forum
they contact us first instead of abusing or criticising the person on the
Forum.  We will then look at the situation and try to find a remedy.

Personal attacks, jibes and flames are totally unacceptable.  People that
stoop that low with such behaviour should go back to kindergarten, they
certainly are not welcome in the ShareChat community.

We hope these guidelines help - if anyone has any comments to make please
send them to us direct at:

Best Regards

The ShareChat Team

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