----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:19
Subject: Re: [sharechat] MARKET DEPTH
I agree with you on the approach to brokers when
you want to discuss market depth!!
I have complained about this for some time with
my broker and
will continue to ask for market
I hope that everybody keeps at doing
The other one which deals with the conduct of the
NZSE on take-overs can best be dealt with
1. Approach to the broker. You can be sure that
in most cases this has already happened. I know, I did on many
I hope that everybody keeps at doing
2. By email to the principal parties: Refer to "
CALLING ALL READERS ( 5 ) of today.
The objects are:
To flood their offices with emails /
telephone calls.
To demonstrate to our
fellow investors - who were hit by the Montana fiasco - that we feel for
them and like to do something to avoid this in the
And so the Sharechatters are working on both
causes but these are quite separate ones! Therefore, both can be mentioned at
the same time but it will be better to post them on separate emails to
the NZSE.
Summary: There are two
objectives and a multiple approach
can be more effective in each proposal!
The Minister is concerned with take-over
legislation while the NZSE should be looking at
that as well, and also at market