Forum Archive Index - March 2000
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[sharechat] another candidate in Selecting Recovery Stocks on the NZSE
Hugh You missed my Tas Ag. Another one that BIL is going to sell off. Mile
under NTA. They are having a good season, have sold a few farms. Many have
agreed that there is no need for a Corporate, listed, farmer. BIL own 66%.
90% of shares owned by a few large shareholders, no liquidity hence low
price. A good buyer would be South Eastern. They have said they have 3 good
potential investments lined up. They keep deferring the decision/
announcement date. Their major shareholder is Pyne Gould G, who I am sure
could see value in BIl's Tas Ag. I have a few Tas Ag, waiting for the
one-off profit. There cannot be downside from these levels.
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