i'll be an optomist . even though everything i read
says feb mar for usa shares will be negative.damm!
ngl .80 itc .87.i have 6000 itc no ngl. probably
won't buy any more. hopefully price will be too high!!!!!!
good fun competition. warm
ps i too would like mike and tony let us in
on the secret place where they live.!!!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2000 1:06
Subject: [sharechat] February in NZSE
will solve "Bubble"subject.
What a great correction to Technology stocks is on the way.
We're too sensitive to US economy movements, so February for our stocks
will be very interesting. Right from Monday most of traders will be shaken
off from the stocks. Some of them keen to loose money. For investors will
start shopping time. I'll be prepared for ITC and NGL shopping as the best
technology bargains on our market. I would say ITC, I can add on @ 45c,
NGL @ 42c! I have some ITC at the moment, but I'll hold to it as long
term. NGL rose too fast, to get me in, but 42c be more then attractive to
join. What is your opinion?
Johnny Walker (black label) on your doorway is the price. I'm looking
for correct, or nearby picks for ITC and NGL on the end of market day -
Tuesday 15th February 2000. Sorry, Kiwis only. Entry valid
until 2400 h Tuesday 02/02/2000 Please, post with subject
"Bubble whipped off".
Kind Regards, Derek